
Plant & Animal Genome 30 – Booth 402

Plant & Animal Genome conference – PAG 30 – is the largest Ag-Genomics meeting in the world. It will be held in San Diego (CA, USA) on January 13-18. The full program consists of scientific workshops, plenary speakers, industry workshops, digital tools and resources sessions, posters sessions, and exhibits with vendors presenting industry related productions and services. Metware Biotechnology team would be happy to meet with the attendees: stop by our booth #402 on January 15-17 or schedule a meeting with us on January 13-18 (inclusive) here.


To understand the scale of the conference, look into the list of the scientific workshops – 201 topics: starting from A “Abiotic Stress” to Y “Yam Genomics”. On January 16-17 the program includes twenty industry workshops. Over 100 exhibitors will present their technologies, products and tools.


The conference is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant and animal genome projects. This is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and applications on these internationally important projects.


Metware Biotechnology is offering a variety of services at our Boston location. If you work in animal and plant genomics, our metabolomics and multi-omics services will add value to your research. Check our targeted, untargeted and global metabolomics services for plant, animal and human samples. Note that we have extensive expertise in working with plants – our in-house database advancement and recent publications in this area are highlighted below.


MWDB (Metware Database) can now detect 30,000 types of plant metabolites. Since 2014 we are pushing the boundaries of plant metabolite detection. Our featured product Widely-Targeted Metabolomics for Plants has been undergoing a major upgrade last year where our identifiable plant endogenous metabolites rose to 30,000 – see the table below.


Substance category Num. Representative compounds
Flavonoids 3700+ Rutin, Phloretin, Phelligrin A, Hesperetin, Licorice glycoside A, Pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside, Ginkgetin, Formononetin, Theaflavin
Phenolic acids 2100+ Chlorogenic acid, Momordicoside A, Oleuropein, Salvianolic acid A, Tatariside A, Veratric acid, Salidroside, Parishin B, Magnoloside A, Vanillic acid
Alkaloids 7000+ α-Solanine, Verticine, Nuciferine, Stachydrine, Matrine, Camptothecin, Arecoline, DIMBOA, Avenanthramide A, Lycorenine
Terpenoids 8000+ Artemisinine, Genipin, Paclitaxel, Wilforlide A, Protopanaxdiol, Saikosaponin A, Cucurbitacin B, Crocin I, Cyclocarioside Ⅰ, Ecliptasaponin A
Quinones 700+ Emodin, Obtusin, Lapachone, Shikonin, Tectograndone, Morindaparvin A, Aloesin, 5-Hydroxydigitolutein, Trijuganone A
Steroid 1300+ Asparagoside C, Polyphyllin I, Timosaponin A-III, Gracillin, Sarsasapogenin, Tigogenin, Digitonin, Oleandrin
Tannins 240+ Ellagic acid, Gemin D, Casuariin, Punicalin, Chebulagic acid, 1,3,6-Tri-O-galloylglucose, Chebulanin, Tellimagrandin I
Ligans 1000+ Honokiol, Syringaresinol, Arctigenin, Pinoresinol, Schisanhenol, Sesamin, Chestnutlignansoide, Trachelogenin, Fargesin, Isolariciresinol
Glucosinolates 150+ Sulforaphane, Gluconasturtiin, Sinalbin, Glucocheirolin, Glucoraphanin, 4-Hydroxy-3-indolylmethyl glucosinolate, Sinigrin, 4-Methylsulfinyl-3-Butenyl Glucosinolate
Coumarins 800+ Umbelliprenin, Psoralen, Glycycoumarin, Xanthotoxol, Scopolin, Bengenin, Bergapten, Decursinol, Dihydrocoumarin
Organic acids 270+ Succinic acid, Malic acid, Citric Acid, Quinic Acid, Abscisic acid, Tartaric acid, Shikimic acid, Aconitic Acid, Salicylic acid, Cinnamic acid, Maleic acid
Vitamins 50+ Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A1, Vitamin U, Ginkgotoxin, Nicotinic acid, Nicotinamide, Retinol, Vitamin D3, Tocotrienol
Amino acids and derivatives 540+ Tryptophan, Theanine, Beauvericin, Dencichin, Heterophyllin, Saccharopine, Alliin, Dopa, S-Adenosylmethionine, γ-Glu-Cys
Nucleotides and derivatives 120+ Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, Inosine, Eritadenine, Xanthosine, Cordycepin, Sepiapterin, Adenosine 5'-monophosphate
Saccharides and Alcohols 340+ Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Fucose, Xylitol, Rhamnose, Maltose, Raffinose, Allitol, Mannitol
Lipids 500+ Linolenic acid, 4-Hydroxysphinganine, Lauric acid, Myristic Acid, Palmitic acid, Arachidonic Acid, Stearic Acid
Others 3200+ Aflatoxin B1, Secoxyloganin, Kavain, Terreic acid, Mansonone E, Litchiol A, Myricanol, Safranal, Bruceine A, Gambogic acid
Sum up 30000+  


Our service supports multi-omics approach and the deeper insight into the underlining mechanisms of agriculture research and development. As an example, 2022 publication in Molecular Plant journal describes multi-omics analyses of 398 foxtail millet accessions. To evaluate how breeding changed the metabolome of foxtail millet grains, the authors generated and analyzed the datasets with the genomes, transcriptomes, metabolomes, and anti-inflammatory indices. Metabolomics_Lipidomics_Osteonecrosis_expressionIn vitro cell inflammation assays showed that 83 metabolites in millet grains have anti-inflammatory effects. Taken together, this multi-omics study illustrates how the breeding history of foxtail millet has shaped its metabolite profile. The generated datasets in this study provide important resources for further understanding how millet grain quality is affected by different metabolites, laying the foundations for future millet genetic research and metabolome-assisted improvement.


“Rewiring of the Seed metabolome during Tartary buckwheat domestication” (article resource) – an open access publication from late 2022, which showcases the first large-scale metabolome profiling in Tartary buckwheat, which will help breeding programs to increase levels of bioactive compounds and improve human diet.


Please submit a detailed description of your project. We will provide you with a customized project plan metabolomics services to meet your research requests. You can also send emails directly to support-global@metwarebio.com for inquiries.
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