
Widely-Targeted Metabolomics for Plants

Widely-Targeted Metabolomics for Plants is an innovative metabolite profiling for plant functional genomics method that combines the benefits of untargeted metabolomics and targeted metabolomics to achieve high-throughput identification and quantification of a wide variety of metabolites associated with plants. As part of our continual R&D, Metware's metabolite database (MWDB) now houses over 60,000 plant-associated metabolites data to allow more extensive annotation and quantification from plant samples.

Technology Introduction

This metabolite profiling in plants methodology is especially useful in plant metabolism research where the number of metabolites far exceeds those in animals. MetwareBio's patented Widely-Targeted Metabolomics approach for metabolomics in plants stands out from many others with features such as:
  • Using high-resolution mass spectrometers to allow the unbiased collection of MS/MS spectrum data;
  • Highly curated in-house metabolomics database (MWDB) that provides accurate metabolite identification;
  • Using MRM analysis for plant metabolome from QQQ based on LC-MS to accurately quantify metabolites in each sample.

Technology Introduction

Technical Features of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics for Plants

Large Curated Database
Collected ultra-high sensitivity data of 60,000+ purified chemical standards spanning diverse metabolite classes. On average, each sample can identify 2000 to 3000 metabolites.
Rigorous Quality Control
A mature quality control system monitoring all aspects of experimentation from sample preparation to data collection.
Stable and tested sample preparation protocol stemming from processing over 1 million samples a year. Over 10 different plant tissues from 1000 plant species has been processed through our lab.
Accurate Identification
Combining AB SCIEX QTOF 6600+ ultra-high resolution mass specltrum with our in-house curated database to achieve accurate metabolite identification.
Accurate Quantification
Using MRM mode from AB SCIEX Triple Quad 6500+ to achieve accurate relative quantification of metabolites.
Publication Tested Results
Results of our services have been cited in over 500 publications with a combined lF over 3000.

Metabolomics in Plants Analytical Techniques

Mass Spectrometry:
  • ABSciex Triple TOF 6600+ (HR-MS)
  • ABSciex QTRAP6500+
  • ABSciex QQQ6500

Applications of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics in Plants

Applications: Research In Plant Development
Applications: Research In Stress Responseand Environmental Adaptation

Applicable for research in plant response to:

Abiotic stress: light (UV), water (drought, waterlogging), heavy metals (cadmium, lead, etc.), temperature (high temperature, low temperature), mechanical damage and other external factors bring reversible or irreversible effects on plants.

Biological stress: the influence of insects, bacteria, fungi, and viruses on the growth and development of plants.

Article Spotlight: Analysis of Global Methylome and Gene Expression during Carbon Reserve Mobilization in Stems under Soil Drying

In this study, the researchers looked at high-resolution DNA methylome in rice (Oryza sativa) during moderate soil drying (MD) conditions. They found a hypermethylated/up-regulated transcription factor of MYBS2 inhibited MYB30 expression and possibly enhanced β-Amylase5 expression, promoting subsequent starch degradation in rice stems under MD treatment. In addition, a hypermethylated/down-regulated transcription factor of ERF24 was predicted to interact with, and thereby decrease the expression of, abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylase1, thus increasing abscisic acid concentration under MD treatment.

Applications: Research In Nutrients And Agronomic Traits In Crops

Applicable for examining metabolites associated with crop phenotypes such as yield, grain width, grain color, nutrient composition, plant height, lodging resistance, fruit size, fruit color, taste, and many selected traits.

Article Spotlight: UDP-glucosyltransferase regulates grain size and abiotic stress tolerance associated with metabolic flux redirection in rice

Researchers characterized GSA1, a gene that regulates grain size and abiotic stress tolerance associated with metabolic flux redirection by exhibiting glucosyltransferase activity toward flavonoids and monolignols. GSA1 regulates grain size by modulating cell proliferation and expansion, which are regulated by flavonoid-mediated auxin levels and related gene expression. GSA1 is required for the redirection of metabolic flux from lignin biosynthesis to flavonoid biosynthesis under abiotic stress and the accumulation of flavonoid glycosides, which protect rice against abiotic stress. GSA1 overexpression results in larger grains and enhanced abiotic stress tolerance.

Article Spotlight: Identification of key taste components in loquat using widely targeted metabolomics

The researchers tackle the question of why white-fleshed loquats taste better by performing LC-MS/MS-based widely targeted metabolome analysis. A total of 536 metabolites were identified, 193 of which (including 7 carbohydrates, 12 organic acids, and 8 amino acids) were different between the cultivars. Pathway enrichment analysis also identified significant differences in phenolic pathways between the cultivars. Our results suggest that taste differences between the cultivars can be explained by variations in composition and abundance of carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, and phenolics.

Case Study of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics in Plants

List of Metabolites
Number Of Metabolites In Different Classes
Carbohydrates 450 Phenolic acids 2500
Alkaloids 8500 Quinones 1000
Amino acid 800 Steroids 1600
Coumarins 1500 Tannins 400
Flavonoids 7800 Terpenes 12,000
Lignans 1100 Vitamins 50
Lipids 900 Glucosinolates 200
Nucleotides 300 Others 3200
Organic acids 2100 Total 61,150

Project Workflow of Widely-Targeted Matabolomics for Plants

Analysis Content Display of Widely-Targeted Metabolomics for Plants Service

Our complete service includes various data analyses to jump start your research. Below are a few components that you may find in our data analysis report.


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