About Us
Global Metabolite Profiling Service
Global metabolite profiling via LC-MS is often used for detecting metabolites from biological or environmental samples and obtaining relative quantification in an unbiased manner. The main application is to compare the case group with the control group to find metabolites that show significant differences thereby providing clues to the metabolic pathways and genes that are involved in the process. It is often the first metabolomics assessment in biomarker development, disease pathogenesis, and drug development.
Targeted metabolomics is an approach to detect specific compound(s) using QQQ Mass Spec and quantify using chemical standards. This process achieves accurate identification and absolute quantification of the target metabolites. In contrast with global metabolomics profiling, targeted metabolomics is highly specific, sensitive, and accurate to quantify the metabolite of interest in the sample.
Lipids are a large class of metabolites in plants and animals (accounting for 70% of metabolites in plasma). It is an essential component in numerous biological functions including membrane structure, energy generation, signaling, gene regulation, and many other developmental processes.
Multiomics aims to combine or integrate various omics data, including those from next generation sequencing and mass spectrometry, to identify correlations or interactions between genes, genomic variations, and/or metabolites thereby providing a more holistic view of a biological system.
Metabolomics Analysis Service for Agriculture & Breeding
Yield and nutrition are important in agriculture. The threat of food shortages drives agriculture innovations to produce crops with higher yields and higher nutrient value. Metabolomics directly assesses the nutritional value and helps identify varieties that are higher yielding, through examining pathways and metabolites that are involved in resistance to pathogens and abiotic stress.
Microbiome Metabolomics Sequencing Service
Microbiome often gives an indication of the health of the system, whether the system is from human gut, water reservoir, or agricultural soil. The microbes in the system exert their functions by producing metabolites that interact with the host or nearby species.
Metabolomics in Cancer Research and Emerging Applications
With the emergence of high-throughput and high-resolution mass spectrometry, metabolomics is coming to the forefront as an essential aspect of cancer research. Many oncometabolites have been used as diagnostic biomarkers, including branched-chain amino acids and 2-hydroxy-glutarate. It has been estimated that hundreds of thousands of metabolites in humans are yet to be discovered and metabolomics is the prime technology for metabolite discovery and biomarker development.
Metabolomics for Infectious Diseases And Immune System
Infectious diseases can happen quickly. The 2019 global pandemic of COVID-19 showed that multi-omics examination and rapid pharmaceutical development are needed to combat infectious diseases. Furthermore, different people can show different symptoms of the same disease. One of the key aspects is the understanding of the metabolic effects after infection and during drug discovery, as metabolites and lipids often provide a readout during illness.
Metabolomics Service for Metabolic Disorders
Metabolic disorders are a group of conditions that increase the risks of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes. With high pressures of work, career development, and unbalanced diet and sleep regimens, metabolic disorders are increasingly common. Active research uses metabolomics to identify key metabolite features that would provide early indication or identify high-risk population groups.
Since its establishment in 2015, with over 40 mass spectrometers, over 60% R&D technicians, and 450 passionate staff and scientists(CT+BT+IT), Metware has constructed an ever-increasing curated database of metabolites and a proprietary detection methodology. The database now houses over 30,000 plant metabolites and 3,000 mammalian metabolites to date. Together with a proprietary ultra-sensitivity high-throughput widely-targeted metabolomics technology and machine learning algorithms, Metware's technical achievements have been presented and published in over 700 publications, including Cell, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Nature Communications, National Science Review, and many other international peer-reviewed journals.
1. With over 20000 sq ft. of lab space, we are certified ISO 9001, including sample center, weighing room, prep room, BSL-2 lab, and instrument room.
2. Metware has over 40 mass spectrometers, Mainly covers AB SCIEX QTRAP 6500 plus/AB SCIEX Triple Quad 4500MD/TRACE1300-ISQ7000、Bruker tims TOF flex、Bruker timsTOF Pro 2, etc.
3. The independent innovation and development of 2.2 million metabolite database
4. High-throughput, ultra-sensitive, broad coverage of widely-targeted metabolomics detection methods, and machine learning algorithms of metabolic markers.